The leak is coming from non officials that the PUBG corporation try to take the rewind place in the Indian Gaming community the Youtubers, gamers also the Audience is still waits for this epic game. The new game named as PUBG New State which is called by the Pubg players version 2 of pubg and the new increment and some biggest changes in this game is that they made this game full futuristic types includes new maps. The Frontech company is the only the producer of tghis game nopt is any part taken by the Tencent Company. The Krafton company is not think about this game to launch in the Asian region country like India, China etc. But the Pubg corporation they still waits for the response of the government. So that they can release the game as soon as possible. Right now the gamers play the games like battle 5vs 5 like CS : Go and Velorant Games. Gaming community of youtubers still waits for get the popularity like when the Pubg was get in the market as big game.
Changes in PUBG NEW STATE is that changes in Weapons, Vest, Car, Maps, Lenses etc. All these things is created looking forwars to futuristic effects in the game look like the minimal but the huge changes they made in minimal things which gives the players new expirience.
There is big aspectation of fan of Pubg players they think that they get directly PUBG NEW STATE but the Pubg corporation clears that they will never publish this before coming back of the PUBG Mobile so that the bad news for the pubg players that they still wait for more time to get back their game and then they can get to play the New Era of PUBG NEW STATE.-----
The gamers still have to wait for the response of the government for green signal of the game till then they have to stay with their suspense.
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