How to get previous wifi password in absence of software in 10 seconds

How to get previous wifi password in absence of software within 10 seconds
How to get previous wifi password using only Command Prompt (cmd)

Steps to be followed to get wifi passwords:-

Firstly we visit the search bar of windows and search CMD and right-click on cmd and select Run as administrator.

Note: Alternatively, we can open the command prompt by opening Run (Windows + R) and typing CMD. Hit Enter or click on Ok.

Secondly after entering in CMD write down there 👉  netsh wlan show profile and Hit Enter or click on Ok.

After pressing enter you will get a long list of WLAN profiles stored on your PC. Take note of the network name you would like to find the password. You have all the users you use his wifi from your laptop and if you want to see any user password or other information like Mac Address etc. So after doing this you get full access to other networks of wifi to use without knowing him. This gives you a full-length list of information that you want also.

Thirdly getting the names of wifi you have to write here:-
👉➤ netsh wlan show profile "type wifi name here" key=clear

Here you type this code to clear your user wifi information to get the password very quickly and this is mandatory to get which profile you want to see the information.

Fourthly after typing this command you have to find information on your wifi password under the key content field.
 This trick only works if anyone enters his wifi passwords into your Computer or PC or Laptop Previously or past days. 

After typing code and hitting enter, you have the user information I have given below:

Profile information
    Version                         : 1
    Type                             : Wireless LAN
    Name                           : Redmi note 7s
    Control options           :
    Connection mode        : Connect manually
    Network broadcast      : Connect only if this network is on broadcasting
    AutoSwitch                 : Do not switch to other networks
    MAC Randomization  : Disabled

Connectivity settings
    Number of SSIDs     : 1
    SSID name               : "Redmi note 7s"
    Network type           : Infrastructure
    Radio type               : [ Any Radio Type ]
    Vendor extension     : Not present

Security settings
    Authentication         : WPA2-Personal
    Cipher                      : CCMP
    Authentication         : WPA2-Personal
    Cipher                      : GCMP
    Security key             : Present
    Key Content             : 1a2b3c4d

Cost settings
    Cost                                 : Unrestricted
    Congested                       : No
    Approaching Data Limit : No
    Over Data Limit              : No
    Roaming                          : No
    Cost Source                     : Default
